This document describes how to compile MotionViewer on both Windows and OSX platform.
0. Download source code
First of all download source code from http:://
Source code comes with Visual Studio 2005 soultion file and Xcode project file together. Refer to following sections to build it.
1. Windows (Visual Studio 2005)
On windows, all source code and necessary external libraries (Ogre 1.4.7 and Xerces 2.8.0 in ext directory) packaged together.
Open MotionViewer.sln (VC8 solution file) in top level of source code.
Then, you can build it on VC8 without any further settings.
2. OSX (Xcode 3.0)
Unfortunately external libraries are not packaged together for OSX, which means you need to download them and compile by yourself before building MotionViewer. Here are two external libraries.
Xerces 2.8.0 ( : download this source and compile it.
Ogre 1.4.7
Download source from
Put the source in the same level of directory where you unzipped MotionViewer source.
(i.e. /Users/xxx/MotionViewer then -> /Users/xxx/xerces-c-src_2_8_0 )
Build xerces (build it from command line not Xcode, refer to
Download Ogre 1.4.7 source from
Put the souce in the same level of directory where you unzipped MotionViewer source.
(i.e. /Users/xxx/MotionViewer then -> /Users/xxx/ogrenew)
Build ogre (build it from Xcode. refer to
Now, you are ready to build MotionViewer.
Open Xcode project file (MotionViewer/MotionViewer.xcodeproj ).
If two of external libraries properly located and built, then you do not need any extra settings to compile MotionViewer. Just build it now.