Character mapping file (.map) details
Character mapping file describes the mapping of bones for your chacter and motion data.
It is simple relationship between character's bone and motiondata body.
Here is the example of single bone mapping in .map file
James:Hips Hips_1
In mapping file, you specify motiondata body name first and corresponding character bone name next to it.
Delimeter is space.
Comment symbol is // (this should be in the very first two letters in single line. parser does not recognize it in the middle of line).
In above example mapping, "James:Hips" is the name of body in motiondata (.v file, James is the subject name of this motion and Hips is the body name.).
"Hips_1" is the name of character bone.
You can add all necessary mapping in .map file for single character.
Here is the full lengh of one example in sample data set.
// skeleton mapping file
// delim is space
// ViconBoneName OgreBoneName
James:Hips Hips_1
James:RightUpLeg RightUpLeg_1
James:RightLeg RightLeg_1
James:RightFoot RightFoot_1
James:RightToeBase RightToeBase
James:RightToeEnd RightToeEnd
James:LeftUpLeg LeftUpLeg_1
James:LeftLeg LeftLeg_1
James:LeftFoot LeftFoot_1
James:LeftToeBase LeftToeBase
James:LeftToeEnd LeftToeEnd
James:Spine Spine_1
James:Head Head_1
James:HeadEnd Head_End
James:RightShoulder RightShoulder_1
James:RightArm RightArm_1
James:RightForeArm RightForeArm_1
James:RightHand RightHand_1
James:LeftShoulder LeftShoulder_1
James:LeftArm LeftArm_1
James:LeftForeArm LeftForeArm_1
James:LeftHand LeftHand_1