Change configuration of Ogre on Mac
Since ogre application does not show up configuration dialog at the beginning of application for some reason, MotionViewer uses simple setup.
Default configuration on Mac is 1024x768 resolution with windowed mode run.
To change this configuration, you should use terminal and vi editor.
Ogre configuration file (ogre.cfg) locates in
In terminal window, go to above directory and open ogre.cfg file with vi editor.
1. change resolution
replace the line "Video Mode=1024 x 768" with preferred resolution.
(i.e. 1440x900 resolution -> "Video Mode=1440 x 900")
2. change full screen mode
replace the line "Full Screen=No" with "Full Screen=Yes" if you want to run it as fullscreen.
*There are more options available for OpenGL renderer on OSX. Refer to Ogre manual or wiki page.