Concept | FSM | GameAI | Game physics  | Game Progression|Downloads|

The nature of the game play is to react to the complex race course with filled with sharp turns and speed boosters laid out in front of the player and to ultimately beat the AI controlled competitor.
(Demo version)
The Victory Condition for the game will be the completion of each completed track within a certain amount of time as the AI or by attaining first place (if we have time to implement the AI). This game is mainly targeted for people who like fast reaction time dependant games. It has the potential to keep the interest player who can play for hours on end but is mainly targeted for people who need to play in sessions. Saving should be done automatically to prevent users from cheating on the statistics of the game.
The player will take on the role of Don Lightrey, who is a novice Wind Sail driver attempting to win the Regional Wind Sail Race. For each successful level of difficulty completed, Don will gain a new award showing his quick response time and driving skills along with money to buy modifications for his Wind Blade vehicle. The amount of money will be a flat rate unless he wishes to gamble an amount of his current earnings on himself.
Note that the setting is in the future of Earth, in the year 2309, where racecar driving had turned in Wind Sail Racing. (cars have now turned into aerodynamic ships that can fly). The primary perspective of the game should be through Ray’s eyes or a 3rd person perspective for the race play.
Different Modes
(priority mode) Racing Mode: Where the player actually maneuvers the vehicle in the race.
Bookie Mode: Simple menu where the user can choose to risk a certain amount of money betting on him or herself to win the next race.
Upgrade Mode: Where the user can use the money that the user has won to change the stats on his or her vehicle.

Artificial Intelligence
We choose to implement an AI instead of the single user 3d flight mode.
Sound Effects
We will be implementing background music, victory music, and acceleration, collision, and deceleration effects.