class MwPlaneSensor : public MwDragSensor


Public Fields

MwSFBool autoOffset
MwSFVec2f maxPosition
MwSFVec2f minPosition
MwSFVec3f offset
MwSFVec3f trackPoint_changed
MwSFVec3f translation_changed

Public Methods

virtual int handleSensor(pfHit **hits[32], pfSeg const&, int button1)

Private Fields

pfVec3 initialPoint
initial point of intersection in sensor CS
MbVec3f offsetValue
value used while sensor is active, ignoring new set_offset events
pfPlane plane
helps in transforming the sensor plane

Inherited from MwDragSensor:

Inherited from MwClickSensor:

Inherited from MwSensor:

Public Fields

MwSFBool enabled
MwSFBool isActive


MwSFBool autoOffset

MwSFVec2f maxPosition

MwSFVec2f minPosition

MwSFVec3f offset

MwSFVec3f translation_changed

MwSFVec3f trackPoint_changed

virtual int handleSensor(pfHit **hits[32], pfSeg const&, int button1)

pfVec3 initialPoint
initial point of intersection in sensor CS

MbVec3f offsetValue
value used while sensor is active, ignoring new set_offset events

pfPlane plane
helps in transforming the sensor plane

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling