LOCKUP Phase 2 - The Trial

Effects/Expectations Restriction, procrastination, frustration, paranoia
Plot You go to trial over and over and over, but nothing ever happens.

Each time you go, the prosecutor and your lawyer talk back and forth with the judge in a Dr. Suessian style, negotiating the amount of time you should be penalized for.

Each time, the judge delays and procrastanates any resolution further. Each time you come or leave the court room, you don't get as far away as if you are being trapped in this world.

Then eventually, the judge finds you guily.

Models Slightly less primitive models than in the first phase. They begin to take on a more defined shape now. The prosecutor's and lawyer's heads spin around and around whenever they speak.
Judge, prosecutor, lawyer, court room, gallery
Video replay bust (eventually)
  • Flashbacks during "blackout" period
  • General scarrieness during "blackout" period
  • loss of navigation
  • judge/lawyer/prosecutor talking
  • "Guilty!!!"
Images Flag, McWorld, Ghetto

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