classListing derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: generates events describing node class types

Category: System
Author: Alex Hill
Revision: 09/15/05 Alex Hill

node node, [integer] generate events with class names from the given node and index
index integer generate events with class names using the given index
created [bool] set the flag to display only existing nodes
maximum [integer] set the total number of classes to report
users [bool] set flag to include ygUser class in the list
changed total
node name, number

constructor classListing

0.0.1 order allClasses in alphabetical order
0.0.2 insert the new directory into the list

method reset

1 clear the start node name
2 set the created flag to true
3 set the maximum printout to 100
4 set the index to 0
5 set the users flag to true

method message

1 generate events with class names from the given node and index
2 generate events with class names using the given index
3 set the flag to display only existing nodes
4 set the total number of classes to report
5 set flag to include ygUser class in the list

method findClasses

1 order currClasses in alphabetical order
2 insert the new directory into the list
3 call findNode recursively on all children

method findUsers

1 order currClasses in alphabetical order
2 insert the new directory into the list

method app

0.1 populate current class list

method checkNode