directoryListing derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: generates events describing directory files

Category: System
Author: Alex Hill
Revision: 08/15/05 Alex Hill

directory string, [integer] generate events with directory and file names
index integer generate events with directory and file names
truncate set the flag to truncate file names included in the YG_PATH
maximum [integer] set the total number of directories and files to report
changed total, parent, path
directory name, path, type, path, type, number

constructor directoryListing

method reset

1 clear the directory name
2 set ygpath to true
3 set the maximum printout to 100

method message

1 generate events with directory and file names
2 generate events with directory and file names
3 set the flag to truncate file names included in the YG_PATH
4 set the total number of directories and files to report

method checkDirectory

0.1 if the directory is a valid one find parent directory discard the current directory handle discard the parent directory handle for each entry up to the maximum order the directories in alphabetical order insert the new directory into the list order the files in alphabetical order insert the new file into the list closedir(handle);