flipbook derived from ygSelector Example Source Header

Description: a selector that rotates through the sequence in a fixed duration

Category: Selection
Author: Kyoung Park
Revision: 11/01/01

duration float set the duration of the sequence
active bool set active mode
on [bool] turn on
off turn off
start start the sequence
stop stop the sequence

constructor flipbook

destructor ~flipbook

method reset

1 set active to false
2 reset first frame flag
3 set duration to 1.0

method message

1 set the duration of the sequence
2 set active mode
3 turn on
4 turn off
5 start the sequence
6 stop the sequence

method start

1 if not active
1.1 set active to true
1.2 set start time

method stop

1 if active then set active to false

method app

1 if first frame then select first item
2 if active
2.1 divide elapsed time by duration
2.2 convert to integer
2.3 set selector