highlight derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: adds highlighting to the nodes below it

Category: attributes
Author: Alex Hill
Revision: 11/01/01

mode string include any combination of options
color four floats set the color with or without alpha
width float set the line width and point size
length float set the length of normals
on turn highlighting on
off [bool] turn highlighting off

constructor highlight

destructor ~highlight

method reset

1 set active to true
2 set the highlight mode to lines
3 set the highlight color to white
4 set the highlight normal length to 1.0
5 set the highlight width to 1.0

method message

1 include any combination of options
2 set the color with or without alpha
3 set the line width and point size
4 set the length of normals
5 turn highlighting on
6 turn highlighting off

method app

method setGSetHlight

1 if node type is pfGeode then set geoset properties
1.1 for each geode, call setGeosetTexture
2 else, if node type is pfGroup
2.1 call this function recursively on all children

method setActive

method setMode

method setColor

method setWidth

method setLength