particleSystem derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: a node that creates a particle system

Category: Geometry
Author: Sangyoon Lee
Revision: 03/07/06 Alex Hill - converted to YG 4.X and added networking

define max length of string


file file load particle system editor file
emitpos three floats this message is for moving emit position
emitstart three floats minimum emit start location
emitend three floats maximum emit start location
emitrate float set emit rate
emit [bool] turn emit on/off
blend [modulate | blend | decal | add] set blend type
maxParticles [integer] set max number of alive particles
lifeMin float set minimum particle life
lifeMax float set maximum particle life
size float set initial particle size
sizeend float set end particle size
speedMin float set minimum particle speed
speedMax float set maximum particle speed

constructor Particle

1 local geometry data manipulated by Particle itself

destructor ~Particle

method initGeometry

1 init geometry data
2 create the geometry set and add the geometry data to it
3 texture
3.1 get number of image components
3.2 if alpha channel then set transparency
3.2.2 pfGStateVal (gstate, PFSTATE_ALPHAREF, 0.0f);
4 Create a new material
5 Create a pfGeostate, add the material, and then assign it to our geometry

method setBlend


method Restart

1 draw

method Update

0.1 do something here to hide this particle
0.2 hide
0.1 changing vertex color & alpha

method UpdateTransform

1 find viewer in the world
2 if a viewer is found
2.1 get viewer position vector relative to this node
2.2 get the cross product of the viewer vector and the rotation axis
2.3 establish the object front as the negative Y-axis
2.4 get the cross product of the front axis and the rotation axis
2.5 get a normal towards the viewer by crossing this cross with the rotaion axis
2.6 get the rotation to the viewer vector
2.7 create a matrix with this rotation

constructor particleSystem

1 original fire setting
2 initialize system geometry data

destructor ~particleSystem

method InitSystem

1 reset timer

method reset

method app

1 update elapsed time

method IsColliding

method IsAttractive

method Update

1 temporary pointer of Particle vertex position & normal
2 temporary pointer of Particle vertex color
3 temporary pointer of Particle vertex texture coord
4 for loop texture coordinate

method Move

method NumParticles

method message

1 load particle system editor file
2 this message is for moving emit position
3 minimum emit start location
4 maximum emit start location
5 set emit rate
6 turn emit on/off
7 set blend type
8 set max number of alive particles
9 set minimum particle life
10 set maximum particle life
11 set initial particle size
12 set end particle size
13 set minimum particle speed
14 set maximum particle speed

method LoadSFXFile

1 declare variables
2 read first two line: spec version and empty line
3 modified for unit change(from DX to PF)
4 read and set values
5 close the infile

method ResetPartlceArray

1 enable emit
2 reset timer

method setBlend

method Restart

1 reset timer

method LoadChainSystem

1 open file and read spec

method KillThemAll

method GetLocation