reference derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: creates another instance of Performer geometry

Category: Geometry
Author: Alex Hill
Revision: 07/20/05 Alex Hill - added functionality to reference a ygTransform node

node node set the name of the node to reference
transform node set the name of the transform to reference

constructor reference

1 create new pfDCS and set as pfnode
2 distribute the nodeName string
3 distribute the transformName string

method reset

1 remove any previously referenced node
2 clear nodeName string
3 clear transformName string

method message

1 set the name of the node to reference
1.1 remove any previously referenced node
1.2 if the nodeName string is not empty then
1.2.1 find the associated node in the database
1.2.2 if the node was found then add the associated Performer node as a child
2 set the name of the transform to reference
2.1 if the nodeName string is not empty then
2.1.1 find the associated node in the database

method app