reflection derived from ygTransform Example Source Header

Description: a transform that reflects scene geometry about an axis

Category: Geometry
Author: Alex Hill
Revision: 11/10/01

node string set the name of the node to reflect
addNode string add the name of the node to reflect
removeNode string remove the name of the node to reflect
axis three floats set the axis for reflection

constructor reflection

1 distribute the nodeName string
2 distribute the reflection axis

destructor ~reflection

method reset

1 clear nodeNames string
2 reset the reflection axis to the Y axis (0,1,0)

method message

1 set the name of the node to reflect
2 add the name of the node to reflect
3 remove the name of the node to reflect
4 set the axis for reflection

method setAxis

method app

method setNode

1 delete all existing DCS children
2 set nodeNames to the input string
2.1 find the associated node in the database
2.2 if the node was found then add the associated Performer node as a child of the DCS

method preDrawFunc

method postDrawFunc