snow derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: creates any number of snow particles in a range about the user

Category: Geometry
Author: Kyoung Park
Revision: 11/05/02 Alex Hill - added network Messages

count [integer] set the number of snow particles
speed float set the speed of decent
ground float set the recycle point
range three floats, three floats set the minimum and maximum of the range

constructor snow

method reset

1 set range to (-1,-1,0) and (1,1,1)
2 set count to 0
3 set ground to 0.0
4 set speed to 1.0

method message

1 set the number of snow particles
2 set the speed of decent
3 set the recycle point
4 set the minimum and maximum of the range

method createGeode

method makeSphere

method app

0.0.1 move the snow
0.0.2 if snow reaches ground, put it at top