visualPriority derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: a node that sets the visual priority of children

Category: Geometry
Author: Alex Hill
Revision: 11/10/01

depth [integer] set the visual priority
on turn the priority on
off [bool] turn the priority off

constructor visualPriority

1 allocate shared memory data structure for pre and post callbacks
2 distribute the off state of the visualPriority buffer
3 distribute the visualPriority depth

destructor ~visualPriority

method reset

1 clear nodeNames string

method message

1 set the visual priority
2 turn the priority on
3 turn the priority off

method preDrawFunc

1 cast the traversal data as the priorityData structure
2 if the plane is active then

method postDrawFunc

1 cast the traversal data as the priorityData structure
2 if the plane is active then