waves derived from surface Example Source Header

Description: a tri-strip surface with a sinusoidal wave motion

Category: Geometry
Author: Kyoung Park
01/15/03 Alex Hill - derived from surface instead of ygNode
Revision: 04/01/04 Alex Hill - changed "size" to "width" msg, add "height" message

speed float set the wave speed
width float set the wave width
height float set the wave height
on turn the motion on
off [bool] turn the motion off

constructor waves

destructor ~waves

method reset

1 set speed to 100.0
2 set size to 180.0
3 set height to 1.0
4 set current time to 0.0
5 start motion

method message

1 set the wave speed
2 set the wave width
3 set the wave height
4 turn the motion on
5 turn the motion off

method app