ygGrid derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: a grid for snapping transformations

Category: Transformation
Author: Alex Hill
Revision: 02/01/06

spacing float set the spacing between grid marks
length float set the overall size of the grid
axis [xy | yz | xz] set the grid axis
draw [false | true | local | remote] set if the grid is drawn
node node set node for reference line and message filtering
snapGrid float set the scalar grid snap value
snapRotate float set the rotational grid snap value

constructor ygGrid

1 create ygNode message filter
2 create grid geosets

destructor ~ygGrid

method reset

1 set the draw flag to true

method message

1 set the spacing between grid marks
2 set the overall size of the grid
3 set the grid axis
4 set if the grid is drawn
5 set node for reference line and message filtering
6 set the scalar grid snap value
7 set the rotational grid snap value
8 filter all other messages

method app

method setDraw

method updateDebug

method updateReference

method filterMessage

method createGeometry

method makeGridGeosets

1 create center grid lines
2 create interior grid lines
3 create reference line geode
4 create polygon for exterior lines and intersection testing