ygNet derived from none Example Source Header

Author: Dave Pape
Revision: 07/01/06 Alex Hill - added connect() and thread() separate connection and threading

#include "ygFileServer.h"

method p_

method init

method connect

method reset

method thread

method showStats

method halt

1 ygFileServer::halt();
1.1 Try to let netProcess() return

method connectNewNode

method getKey

method requestAllKeys. Originally, this would just queue up a Fetch request to be sent out to the network server. With the 0.1.4 design, all (theoretically) of the database is downloaded in advance, so we can just look up the data and pass it immediately to receiveNetMessage(). This should be revisited and cleaned up. ***/

method requestKey

method storeNode

method storeKey

method storeKey

method app(), to allow ygNet

method midframeProcess

method process

method netProcess

method receiveData

 Ignore "type" keys; connectNewNode will catch them via getKey() 

method netProcessRequests

method pushNetRequest

method popNetRequest