ygObject derived from ygGeometry Example Source Header

Description: loads and transforms models from any one of the accepted Performer model formats

Category: Geometry
Author: Dave Pape
10/15/02 Dave Pape - add optional cache flag to "file" msg, "reload" message, and included cache-state in net filename
09/01/04 Alex Hill - derived from ygGeometry class and added functionality to create a parent ygTransform when necessary
06/28/05 Alex Hill - added functionality to dereference uncached object attributes
Revision: 02/01/06 Alex Hill - added setGeodeName funtion to set the name of each pfGeode to the node name for intersection picking

file file, [bool] load the given filename with optional caching
cache bool set the default object caching mode
reload reload the currently loaded object
showLocal [bool] set whether the object is drawn locally (deprectated)
position create a parent ygTransform and pass the message
orientation create a parent ygTransform and pass the message
size create a parent ygTransform and pass the message
updateInterval create a parent ygTransform and pass the message
reliableKey create a parent ygTransform and pass the message

constructor ygObject

destructor ~ygObject

method reset

1 set cache to true

method message

1 load the given filename with optional caching
2 set the default object caching mode
3 reload the currently loaded object
4 set whether the object is drawn locally (deprectated)
5 create a parent ygTransform and pass the message

method loadFile

1 if object has been loaded then remove it as a child
1.1 if cache mode is true then retrieve from object cache
1.2 else, load the file using pfdLoadFile
1.3 if loading was successful
1.3.1 name pfGeode to ygObject name
1.3.2 add object as a child
1.3.3 set intersection traversal mask

method createTransform

method setGeodeName

1 if node type is pfGeode then set geoset properties
2 else, if node type is pfGroup
2.1 call this function recursively on all children

method filename

method createDebugNode