ygWand derived from ygNode Example Source Header

Description: creates a wand for the user and adds it to the user wand list

Category: User
Author: Dave Pape
01/10/03 Alex Hill - added flag message
Revision: 02/01/06 Alex Hill - added "user" message and "on"/"off" messages to disable a wand

off [bool] disable the wand
on enable the wand
flag string generate a wand flag
user string associate this wand with a user
flagName gererate events for flags produced by derived nodes

constructor ygWand

1 distribute flags generated by derived nodes

method reset

1 set the wand to enabled
2 find first user above this node
3 if found add this wand to the wand list of the user

method message

1 disable the wand
2 enable the wand
3 generate a wand flag
4 associate this wand with a user
4.0.1 if found add this wand to the wand list of the user

method app

1 if the number of flags has changed
1.1 if net master then generate flag events

method isOn

method numFlags

method getFlag

method user

method setFlag

0.0.1 gererate events for flags produced by derived nodes