News Pedal Plane game Files Company Info

Files available for download
pedalplane.zipOur game: 3D Plane with a guy flying a Pedal Plane. The title fits in with the goofiness of the game. (~15.5mb)
pedalplane_src.zipSource code to 3D Plane with a guy flying a Pedal Plane. Requires (which has the data files). (~20kb)
pedalplane_src+game.zipBoth the compiled game and source code to 3D Plane with a guy flying a Pedal Plane. (~15.5mb)
final_pedalplane.pptThe powerpoint with which we presented the game to our jurors. (~37kb)
VGP Audio Short.pptA short powerpoint presentation to talk about sound in Blitz3D. (~1.5mb)
snddemo.zipSome demo files in Blitz3D which were used with the powerpoint. See slsound & slfighter - these are the stereo enabled demo versions (not to mention more 'updated than the files they are based off of). (~2.5mb)
propflight.pptA powerpoint presentation to describe our progress in the game. (~16kb)

Copyright 2004 Applied Widgetronics