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cs342 @UIC
Software Design

Spring 2017
Instructor: Prof. Liz Marai
Tue,Thu 12:30pm-1:45pm
Lecture Center Building F F003


Class Information





TA Office Hours

Course Description

CS342 covers tools and techniques for the design and implementation of software projects. The emphasis of this course is on the software design process, programming and software development, team-work and team communication, and on developing a fully-fledged software project by the end of the course. This class will be using Piazza for all course-related communications: sign up on Piazza.

Course Aims

We have three aims for CS342-ers. First, learn enough about software design and teamwork to create a starter portfolio for yourselves and to successfully design and implement software after you graduate. Second, become a person to whom others turn for advice on software design and development. Third, learn to think clearly about software project issues, spot problems early, articulate your conclusions, communicate with others, and adapt to changes.

Course Objectives

When you finish the course, you should be able to:

  • Collaborate with a team to design and implement a moderately large software project by
    1. establishing the project requirements
    2. spelling out the functional and non-functional specifications for the project
    3. designing the overall project,
    4. designing the pieces,
    5. implementing and integrating the pieces,
    6. demonstrating the result
  • Clearly communicate your ideas to various audiences.