OpenGL and RenderMan - Type Definitions
[ contents ]
Type Definitions


RenderMan defined constants begin with RI and use underscores to seperate words (like RI_HIDDEN). The following useful type definitions are given in ri.h.


OpenGL defined constants begin with GL and use underscores to seperate words (like GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT). The following useful type definitions are given in gl.h.

typedef char *RtToken;
typedef float RtFloat;
typedef RtFloat RtPoint[3];
typedef RtFloat RtColor[3];
typedef RtFloat RtMatrix[4][4];
typedef short RtBoolean;
typedef char *RtString;
typedef char *RtPointer;

typedef char GLbyte;
typedef short GLshort;
typedef int GLint;
typedef float GLfloat;
typedef double GLdouble;
typedef unsigned char GLboolean
typedef unsigned char GLubyte;
typedef unsigned short GLushort;
typedef unsigned int GLuint, GLenum, GLbitfield;