Qbert 3D

Escape From Flatland


:Game Concept:

Jogos Studios is at it again.  This time with an incredible 3D remake of the popular ATARI game Qbert.  The objective is the same; to conquer the pyramids while dodging enemies eager to kill Qbert.  A new 3D world with updated graphics, sounds, and enemies will revive the love for Qbert and bring him back to the top of the world!

:Game Additions:

In Escape From Flatland, Qbert's enemies are more determined than ever.  However, Qbert is able to combat his foes by retrieving rocks on the pyramid and starting them tumbling down at his enemies.  This is no trivial task; Qbert must hone his marksmanship to become efficient enough to deter oncoming adversaries.

QBert Throwing a roct at his foe

Not only is the landscape littered with handy objects, but the pyramid's blocks can come to Qbert's aide.  Uniquely labeled blocks, as Qbert will soon learn to recognize, are present in the new 3D realm that have dizzying effects for his not-so-fortunate assassins.  For instance, Qbert can ignite bomb blocks by pouncing on them, killing all enemies within the blast radius.  Other blocks act as catalysts to catastophic winds which blow enemies from the pyramid to their death.  Another special weapon block is the artic freeze.  Qbert's enemies are frozen still after an artic freeze and can be shattered like icicles!

Qbert's emergence into the third dimension has invigorated him to the point of colossal jumping abilities.  With the aide of springboard blocks, Qbert can spring to the top of the pyramid in one move.  But remember, Qbert must land on every block to win the level and soar to new high scores!

Don't let the enemy catch up to Qbert.  Although Qbert has three lives per level, the pyramid, and your high score, will have to be conquered from scratch with each new life.

:Game Configuration:

When a new game is started, the player may select a degree from three difficulty levels.  This does not change the pyramid or Qbert's abilities; it will affect the quantity and quality of his adversaries.  Regardless of which player skill level is selected, the enemies will grow increasingly witty with each conquered level.  Let's hope Qbert can out maneuver them!


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