class JsMath

Class that implements the JavaScript Math object

Public Fields

static double E
static double LN10
static double LN2
static double PI
static double SQRT1_2
static double SQRT2

Public Methods

static double abs(double x)
static double acos(double x)
static double asin(double x)
static double atan(double x)
static double ceil(double x)
static double cos(double x)
static double exp(double x)
static double floor(double x)
static double log(double x)
static double max(double x, double y)
static double min(double x, double y)
static double pow(double base, double exp)
static double random()
static double random()
static double round(double x)
static double sin(double x)
static double sqrt(double x)
static double tan(double x)


Class that implements the JavaScript Math object
static double abs(double x)

static double acos(double x)

static double asin(double x)

static double atan(double x)

static double ceil(double x)

static double cos(double x)

static double exp(double x)

static double floor(double x)

static double log(double x)

static double max(double x, double y)

static double min(double x, double y)

static double pow(double base, double exp)

static double random()

static double random()

static double round(double x)

static double sin(double x)

static double sqrt(double x)

static double tan(double x)

static double E

static double LN10

static double LN2

static double PI

static double SQRT1_2

static double SQRT2

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling