class MwType

Public Fields


Public Methods

void* createInstance()
Get an instance of the given type, or NULL if such an instance is unavailable
static MwType* createType(MwType *parent, MwName name, void * (*createMethod)() = NULL)
Create a new type
static MwType* fromName(MwName name)
Get a type from a name
const char* getName()
MwType* getParent()
static void init()
MbBool isDerivedFrom(MwType *parent)
int operator != (const MwType *right)
int operator == (const MwType *right)

Private Fields

static int arraySize
int index
static MbDict* nameDict
name->MwType dictionary
static int nextIndex
array of MwTypeData
static MwTypeData* typeData

Private Methods

static void expandTypeData()



static void init()

const char* getName()

MwType* getParent()

MbBool isDerivedFrom(MwType *parent)

int operator == (const MwType *right)

int operator != (const MwType *right)


static MwType* fromName(MwName name)
Get a type from a name

void* createInstance()
Get an instance of the given type, or NULL if such an instance is unavailable

static MwType* createType(MwType *parent, MwName name, void * (*createMethod)() = NULL)
Create a new type

static MbDict* nameDict
name->MwType dictionary

int index

static int nextIndex
array of MwTypeData

static int arraySize

static MwTypeData* typeData

static void expandTypeData()

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling