class VsParseTree

Public Methods

void addGlobalVar(const char *name, VsVar *var)
Add a global variable
static VsFunctionDef* beginFunction(const char *name)
Called during parse() to add a top-level function to our list:
VsFunctionDef* findFunction(const char *name)
Returns a reference to a top-level function definition
static VsParseTree* getCurrent()
Returns 'current' parse tree. Used only during parsing.
VsVar* getGlobalVar(const char *name)
int getNumErrors()
static int input()
int parse(const char *buffer, const char* scriptName)
Parse the given input buffer
static void unput(int c)
Used by yylex/yyparse:
static void yyerror(const char *errmsg)

Private Fields

const char* curParseString
And string being parsed:
static VsParseTree* current
Parse tree currently being built:
MbPList functions
Parse tree consists of a series of functions definitions, each of which in turn contains a series of statements
MbPList globalVars
Global variables for this script:
int lineNumber
And which line in string is being parsed:
int numParseErrors
int parsePosition
Position in string being parsed:
const char* scriptName


void addGlobalVar(const char *name, VsVar *var)
Add a global variable. Called by Script node to register eventOuts/fields as global variables.

VsVar* getGlobalVar(const char *name)

int parse(const char *buffer, const char* scriptName)
Parse the given input buffer. Returns 0 if everything was read OK, 1 if there was an error.

static VsFunctionDef* beginFunction(const char *name)
Called during parse() to add a top-level function to our list:

VsFunctionDef* findFunction(const char *name)
Returns a reference to a top-level function definition

static VsParseTree* getCurrent()
Returns 'current' parse tree. Used only during parsing.

int getNumErrors()



static void unput(int c)
Used by yylex/yyparse:

static int input()

static void yyerror(const char *errmsg)

static VsParseTree* current
Parse tree currently being built:

const char* curParseString
And string being parsed:

int parsePosition
Position in string being parsed:

int lineNumber
And which line in string is being parsed:

MbPList globalVars
Global variables for this script:

MbPList functions
Parse tree consists of a series of functions definitions, each of which in turn contains a series of statements

int numParseErrors

const char* scriptName

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling