Hardware/Software Requirements:
Aenaon is a CAVE based art piece. Possible virtual reality display systems for our project can be the following: a) the 6-wall CAVE on-site, b) a Varrier display system and c) a C-Wall system. Depending on the availability of the equipment, the participants would be happy to bring a C-Wall system on iGrid2005, in the case that a CAVE or a Varrier system is not available, on site. No specific hardware is needed though to be placed at participating sites. The sites have already the hardware and software required in order to participate.
A computer account would be required in the designated system (CAVE, Varrier or C-Wall) and the software indicated below:

  • CAVERNsoft G2
  • CAVE lib
  • Performer 3.0
  • Ygdrasil 0.1.11
  • VRCO library
  • Robust Audio Tool (RAT) 4.2.23

Network Requirements:
In this networked virtual reality demonstration, possible list of participants include Chicago EVL (IL), Bloomington AVL (IN), and University of Buffalo (NY) and our international collaborator the Interactive Institute Studio, Tools for Creativity at Umea, Sweden.
The network that we usually access in our networked demonstrations between EVL, Indiana and Buffalo is Abilene (Internet-2).

Network Usage:

Network connections between 10 Mbps – 100Mbps on a clean network will be sufficient to showcase our networked piece.Other:
Helen-Nicole Kostis and Daria Tsoupikova have been working with CAVE based tele-immersive demonstrations for the last year. They have successfully participated and/or served as technical leaders in such networked experiences in the following events: SPIE2004, IEEE VR Open House at EVL 2004, Networks Art and Collaboration Conference 2004, Virtual World’s Festival Sao Paolo - Brazil 2004, Electronic Imaging Science and Technology SPIE 2005.
Kapil Arora and Sangyoon Lee have served as technical assistants in the networked demonstration of Citycluster, during IEEE VR Open House at EVL 2004.
During the iGrid 2005 real –time demonstration it is important three members/collaborators of the group to be present on-site, in order to make sure that technical problems are resolved and to assist in demonstration sessions.