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Human Factors
pubs (133)
Electronic Visualization Laboratory’s 50th Anniversary Retrospective: Look to the Future, Build on the Past
The Effects of Virtual Reality Environments on Physiological Stress: A Platform Comparison Between Room-Scale Displays and Desktop Computers (MS Thesis Project)
The Future of Urban Accessibility for People with Disabilities: Data Collection, Analytics, Policy, and Tools
A Comparison of Spatiotemporal Visualizations for 3D Urban Analytics
Supporting Collaborative Exploratory Visual Data Analysis in Multi-device Environments
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people (85)
Brenda Lopez Silva
Andrew Johnson
Robert V. Kenyon
Tom Moher
Greg Dawe
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events (114)
PhD Dissertation Announcement: “Understanding Lateral Asymmetry in Touchless Interaction”
Beyond User-Centered Design: Ecological Approach to the User Interface Design and Evaluation in Augmented Reality
IEEE VIS 2024: Visualization & Virtual Analytics Virtual Conference
Michael E. Papka Named EVL Director
EVL Professor G. Elisabeta Marai Awarded Faculty Fellow of the Year
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research (23)
Deep Umbra: A Global-Scale Generative Adversarial Approach for Sunlight Access and Shadow Accumulation in Urban Spaces
Longitudinal Spatial-Nonspatial Decision Support for Competing Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Therapy
Articulate+ - A Conversational Interface for Democratizing Visual Analysis
UIC Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Laboratory
MRI - Development of Continuum: A Virtualized Attentive Environment for Amplified Collaboration
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