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The Divine Algorithm, Part 1

SECTION C: What Got Abandoned Really Early On

Temple Guardian

This project was abandoned very early in that it was at once the most work-intensive and the least relevant to my overall theme. I wanted to build a Cyborg Zombie Rat (affectionately known as "Czr") that reacts to its audiences. Czr wanders randomly around a round surface with a rim to prevent from him falling off. His metal skeleton is covered with an actual rat's pelt (hence the "zombie" portion of "Czr"). When his attention is drawn by a spectator, he stops, turns his head towards the "intruder," and his red LED eyes light up.

This piece represents several things to me; i will focus on those that are relevant (or would have been relevant) to my thesis. Most germane is the concept of "playing God," of using technology to twist the laws of nature in a horrifying way. This in itself is a manifestation of technophobia, seen also in films like The Terminator, The Reanimator, and Frankenstein's Monster. This piece is designed to cross that line between the "holy" use of computers for understanding the universe (the work of "God"), and their "unholy" potential to force it in unnatural directions. The technophobes will tell you that this it what will bring about our ultimate demise.

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and was last modified 14 February 1997