Huy Bui Presents Scalable Parallel I/O on a Blue Gene/Q Supercomputer

February 12th, 2014

Categories: Software, Supercomputing, Visualization

Anh Huy Bui
Anh Huy Bui


EVL PhD candidate Huy Bui presents his collaborative research with colleagues at Argonne National Laboratory at the 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, networked-based Processing (PDP 2014) in Turin, Italy.

Bui’s paper entitled “Scalable parallel I/O on a Blue Gene/Q supercomputer using compression, topology-aware data aggregation, and subfiling” focuses upon improving the I/O performance of an IBM Blue Gene/Q supercomputing system using a novel framework for integration into high performance applications.

The presentation is part of the Parallel Computing 2 session chaired by Allen Malony held Wednesday, February 12th, 4:25pm.