Tom DeFanti, EVL Director Emeritus Awarded CENIC’s 2017 Innovations in Networking Award

March 6th, 2017

Categories: Networking


In recognition of his work to develop next generation networks, advance the mission of Calit2 and shape collaborations across organizations, CENIC recognizes Tom DeFanti, an internationally recognized pioneer in visualization and virtual reality technologies at Calit2, University of California San Diego, as the recipient of the 2017 Innovations in Networking Award for Outstanding Individua Contributions.

Tom’s commitment to advance both technology and the common good is evident to all who are fortunate to work with him. Maxine Brown has worked with Tom DeFanti since 1977, and is now Director of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago, which Tom co-founded with art professor Dan Sandin in 1973. Maxine recalls that “Advanced networking was an obvious extension of Tom’s passion for real-time interactive computer graphics, with emphasis on ‘real time’ whether images and animations are viewed locally or over distance.”

See the Document below to read the full CENIC press release.