EVL PhD Candidate Ashwini Naik Presents ‘V-NeuroStack’ at Neuroscience 2019

October 21st, 2019

Categories: Applications, Software, Visualization, Visual Analytics


EVL PhD candidate Ashwini Naik presents the results of collaborative research between the Computer Science and Molecular & Cellular Biology departments at the University of Illinois at Chicago and colleagues at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - ‘V-NeuroStack’. V-NeuroStack is a web-based application that uses 3-D time stacks to identify patterns in the neuronal activity and to understand functional relationships between neurons. This approach can help identify patterns in the neuronal activity which may not be visible using a 2-dimensional view of the slice.

The Neuroscience 2019 - the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 49th annual meeting was held October 19-23 at McCormick Place in Chicago. SfN is the premier venue for neuroscientists and researchers to present emerging science and explore new tools/technologies advancing the field.
