Roberto Cesar Jr. Invited to Present “Computer vision and physical models for urban informatics”

September 29th, 2023

Categories: Applications, Visualization, Visual Analytics, Data Science, Computer Vision, Urban Data Visualization, Image Processing


Roberto Cesar Jr., professor/department head of Computer Science at the University of Sao Paolo and director of eScience Research Center presents his research in computer vision and image processing for urban visualization. Dr. Cesar’ invited talk will be held:
EVL’s Continuum
Engineering Research Facility, Room 2068
Friday, September 29th, noon

“Computer vision and physical models for urban informatics”
Computer vision techniques have played an important role in urban data analysis. Such techniques are useful for capturing and analyzing visual information about cities’ infrastructure, social manifestations and mobility, to name just a few. However, the adoption of computer vision techniques in urban environments faces important challenges, such as the restricted heterogeneous hardware typically involved, outdoor image variations, and other uncontrolled aspects. In this talk, we present some recent results to overcome these limitations. Specifically, we discuss computer vision techniques for rain scenes, pedestrian mobility analysis, and physical models for urban green regions and graffiti distributions.

Roberto is a professor at the University of Sao Paulo (USP) since 1998 (BSc in Computer Science - UNESP - 1991; MSc in Electrical Engineering - UNICAMP - 1993; Ph.D. in Physics - USP/Brazil, IPT-UCL/Belgium - 1997). He is currently a full professor in the Department of Computer Science - IME - USP working in the Data Science Research Group. He is currently a special advisor for Physical Sciences and Engineering at the Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP. He served as the Director of the eScience Research Center at USP and as the head of the Computer Science Department. He was a member of the Image and Vision Computing and the Signal, Image and Video Processing editorial boards, chair and invited speaker of conferences and workshops (Sibgrapi 2003, CIARP 2010, Sibgrapi 2011; SHAPES 2.0 - 2012, eSon - IEEE eScience 2013, IEEE eScience 2014). He has experience in computer science, with an emphasis on computer vision, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
