ALCF Team Including EVL Professor Michael Papka Wins Best Paper at SC23 ISAV 2023 Workshop

November 12th, 2023 - November 17th, 2023

Categories: Applications, Software, Supercomputing, Visualization, Data Science, High Performance Computing

Visualization of the pb146 use case simulation, illustrating flow dynamics within a pebble-bed nuclear reactor.
Visualization of the pb146 use case simulation, illustrating flow dynamics within a pebble-bed nuclear reactor.


A team led by researchers at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) including EVL Professor Mike Papka was recognized with the Best Paper Award for an innovative scientific visualization study presented at the 2023 In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization (ISAV) at the SC23 conference in Denver, Colorado.

The paper, “Scaling Computational Fluid Dynamics: In Situ Visualization of NekRS using SENSEI,” (Mateevitsi, V.A., Bode, M., Ferrier, N., Fischer, P., Göbbert, J.H., Insley, J.A., Lan, Y., Min, M., Papka, M.E., Patel, S., Rizzi, S., Windgassen, J.) details the team’s efforts to equip the NekRS computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code with in situ analysis and visualization capabilities. The winning paper explores the benefits of instrumenting the NekRS code with SENSEI, an open-source in situ interface developed with support from DOE’s Exascale Computing Project. The researchers demonstrated the capabilities and scalability of their approach by running two real scientific use cases on the ALCF’s Polaris supercomputer and JSC’s JUWELS Booster supercomputer. They found that the ability to “see” the data in real-time significantly augmented their analytical capacities.