June 2nd, 2006 - June 4th, 2006
Categories: MFA Thesis
“Space, Place & Interface”
Exhibiting artists are exploring themes of spatial relatedness and social interplay within defined settings. The exhibit encompasses interactive, new media and video work. Our mission is to bring video and new media to the public in innovative ways. LiveBox considers Chicago as its gallery, and will exhibit throughout Chicagoland in conventional and non-conventional settings.
Exhibiting Artists
Kristin Anderson
Bebe Beard
Alexandra do Carmo
Thom van der Doef
George Drivas
Wojciech Gilewicz
Scott Kildall
Hyeyun Park
Joon Sung
Shawn Towne
June 2-4 2006,
Opening Friday June 2nd, 6-10PM
Weekend hours:
Saturday noon - 6PM
Sunday noon - 5PM