April 13th, 2006
Categories: Applications, Data Mining, Supercomputing, Visualization
EVL’s Ph.D. student, Xun Luo presents his research in intelligent web information retrieval for mobile computing and wearable systems (“Web 2.0: concepts, trends and research problems”) at the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Student Chapter at UIC seminar series. The main focus of the talk - towards finding web community structures of interest to a specific user using machine learning approaches. Over 30 UIC faculty, research staff and graduate students from the Match Statistics & Computer Science and the Computer Science departments participated in the talk.
The (SIAM) Student Chapter seminar series is held bi-weekly, consisting of invited scholars in interdisciplinary fields whose research make use of dedicated computation methods. The 2006 series features speakers in Computational Finance, Data Mining and Web Mining, as well as Personal Computing.
Web 2.0 is rapidly becoming a buzzword in the Web design and development communities. Although its definition and scope are still evolving, characteristics such as treating web as platform and emphasis on user contribution depict its clear difference from its “1.0” predecessor.
To many observers Web 2.0 appears to be a loose collection of recently developed concepts and technologies including Weblogs, Wikis, podcasts, Web feeds and other forms of collaborative publishing. Added to this mix are social software, Web APIs, Web standards, online Web services, AJAX, and more. This presentation discusses key concepts of Web 2.0, introduces the implications that Web 2.0 promises to have on the future of Web Information Systems, and reviews two cases of Web 2.0 related research.