March 10th, 2007 - March 14th, 2007
Categories: Devices, Software, Visualization, VR
EVL computer science doctoral candidate Tom Peterka received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference 2007 (IEEE VR2007), for “Dynallax: Solid State Dynamic Parallax Barrier Autostereoscopic VR Display”.
Paper co-authors include EVL computer science doctoral candidate Robert L. Kooima, EVL graduate and UCSD post-doctoral researcher Javier Girado, EVL computer science doctoral candidate Jinghua Ge, EVL co-director Daniel Sandin, computer science associate professor Andrew Johnson, computer science associate professor and EVL co-director Jason Leigh, UCSD project scientist Jurgen Schulze, and computer science distinguished professor emeritus Thomas A. DeFanti.
The Dynallax uses a solid-state, dynamic parallax barrier to provide a no-glasses-needed 3D display. The Dynallax technology is based on, and expands upon, the EVL-developed Varrier, a static barrier display system. The Dynallax has been built in single-monitor version known as the Personal Varrier and a 65-panel Cylindrical Varrier version.
The original Varrier technology limited the viewer’s range of movement to a 2-by-2-foot area in order to experience the full 3D effect without wearing glasses. By dynamically controlling the parallax barrier in real time, the Dynallax produces more than two eye channels, substantially increasing the user’s range of movement, allowing the user to experience the 3D environment in a large area without the use of 3D glasses.