August 3rd, 2007 - September 1st, 2007
Categories: Multimedia, VR Art
Drew Browning and Annette Barbier exhibit their work “Search Terms” at Polvo Chicago in the “Echelon: who is watching you?” exhibition. Curated by Miguel Cortez, “Echelon” explores the history of surveillance and how this affects us at this present time.
“Search Terms” is a substantial re-making of Browning’s / Barbier’s work entitled “Rise / Run“. It is an interactive installation that critiques ubiquitous surveillance, tracking visitors’ movements as they explore “dangerous” and “suspicious” book listings and surreptitious views of gallery visitors.
Echelon Opening: Friday, August 3 from 6pm-10pm
Exhibiton: August 3 - September 1, 2007