EVL Represented at SERC Showcase

December 5th, 2007 - December 6th, 2007

Categories: Academic, Industrial VR, Industry


The Electronic Visualization Laboratory was represented by Alex Hill at at the Software Engineering Research Center (SERC) Fall meeting at Ball State. The SERC Center is a graduated NSF Industrial / University Cooperative Research Center.

Alex Hill presented his dissertation work on a unified framework for desktop and immersive user interfaces and presented an overview of EVL’s current research.

Dr. Wayne Zage, director of the SERC Center, presented a proposal called “LifeWerx” that outlined methods for collaborative work and worker “interuptability” within “SecondLife”.

Jonathan Kaplan from SUN MicroSystems gave a presentation about their new collaborative virtual worldbuilding suite called Project Wonderland.

The SERC center was established by the National Science Foundation nearly 20 years ago, to encourage cooperative research between academia and industry. The SERC is one of over 50 such centers established by NSF, and the only one devoted to software engineering. It was founded in 1986. The program is known at NSF as the Industry-University Cooperative Research Center program (IUCRC for short). The University of Illinois at Chicago is one of SERC’s University Participants.
