February 9th, 2008
Categories: Applications, Devices, Industry, Networking, Visualization
The Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at UIC, and the California Institute of Information Technology and Telecommunications (CALIT2) at UCSD deploy a 55 Megapixel tiled LCD display called the “SharpWall” at Sharp Labs in Portland, Oregon.
Sharp believes that the future for its company is in displays that can cover all the walls in a room. Building the SharpWall and working with the world’s leading researchers in the field at UIC and UCSD allows Sharp to study a variety of research issues ranging from their construction, to human-computer interfaces, to future applications.
The SharpWall will be driven by EVL’s scalable tiled display software called SAGE (the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment), an operating system for managing ultra-high-resolution display environments.
Pictured from left to right: Luc Renambot (CS Research Assistant Professor, EVL / UIC), Sachin Deshpande (Research Scientist, Sharp Labs), Byungil Jeong (CS PhD Student, EVL / UIC), and Lance Long (Research Programmer, EVL / UIC).
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