101 Years of Futurism: Fall 2011 Fashion Show

April 24th, 2010

Categories: MFA Thesis, Multimedia, Sound Art

The urban artist wearing a futurist garment
The urban artist wearing a futurist garment


EVL MFA candidate Tesia Kosmalski showcases her wearable sound research incorporated into fashion designer Alma Weiser’s unique garments at the Heaven Gallery located in Chicago’s Wicker Park. This exhibition celebrates 101 years of Futurism with reconstructed vintage by Renovar. Inspired by Marinetti’s art movement of the early 20th century, it intends borrow the positive from a point in history, recreate it and apply it to today. Also, presenting videography by Galina Shevchenko.

Opening reception and fashion show:
Saturday, April 24th
7:00pm - 9:00 pm
