• Title: fanfare of emotion

  • Creator: Joseph Alexander

  • Medium: Computer Aided Design

  • Software: Specular International Infini-D 2.5, Adobe Photoshop 2.5.1

  • Year: 1996
  • This is another one of those "portfolio pieces". I had never attempted thinking in terms of doing multiple works based on a theme. When you work in design or any creative field which requires you to render versions of a product, you have to get used to thinking along many different avenues to get at the same result. This was my first attempt at finalizing the end result into several showable works.

    So let's talk about the theme(s) now.

    I play the trumpet (at least I used to). I find it a very exciting instrument that can run the gamut of expression. There aren't too many instruments that lend itself to all forms of musical expression. To me, the trumpet is one of them. I think that it allows the musician a wide variety of sounds and product that vary from skill level to skill level. It's quite an entertaining instrument.

    The four variations (modes of expression) that I've chosen to demonstrate, are coupled with moods that, at least I feel, people can feel when listening. In these stills, I've attempted to couple the moods with the sound and convey, visually that feeling that each conveys.

    The first piece is "the blues", an attempt at conveying a very somber but somewhat lively feel. Blues music is an expression of the soul and is descriptive of a lot of pain and struggle. The blue overtone maximizes this issue, while the warm tones centralize the soul aspect that I wanted to touch upon.

    The second piece "jazzy", plays with the jazz sounds that are often expressed by the trumpet. Jazz tends to lend itself to a very lively and expressive nature, that is fun to listen to and makes you want to get up and dance. Whether ti be a slow song or a swing style tempo, jazz music seems to make the listener just start to tap their feet.

    "dissonence" is a piece that reminds me of how I play. I will admit that I am not a great musician. I have learned to understand melody and other aspects of music theory, but it's application toward actual performance, unfortunately, falls "flat" (pardon the pun). I've represented my answer to musicality by throwing colors that are very bright and disturbing to the eye. You can't look at this too long without having to look elsewhere.

    "heart and soul" is the final aspect of the series. This is just music that comes straight from the gut. To me, it's not so much a mode of music, as it is pure emotion. The sounds tend to come from fairly experienced musicians who add their own personal touch to a style, whether it be a form of jazz, blues, swing, ska, whatever. I equate this emotional energy to artists like Miles Davis, with whom, style is all emotion. I wanted this piece to connect with the viewer.