A Simultaneous 2D / 3D Autostereo Workstation (poster)

February 28th, 2012

Categories: Devices

User Multitouch Interaction with Dynallax
User Multitouch Interaction with Dynallax


Chau, D., McGinnis, B., Talandis, J., Leigh, J., Peterka, T., Knoll, A., Papka, M., Sumer, A., Jellinek, J.



  • Next generation of the Dynallax: a dynamic parallax barrier autostereoscopy system in a desktop form factor.
  • It is driven by a software system called Dynamic View Client (DVC) which consist of two parts:
    • DVCSdk: A server-side library that enables streaming of stereo image pairs to the client side and interacts with applications to process client input
    • DVCLib: A client-side library that displays stereo images, supports interaction devices, and provides a simultaneous 2D and 3D workspace.
  • Deploy a transparent virtual environment that directs the user’s focus on the science problem instead of the technology.
  • Support existing workflows so that scientists need not give up tools upon which they rely to be productive.
  • Design an accessible environment that is always available and requires little or no added effort on the part of users and developers.




Chau, D., McGinnis, B., Talandis, J., Leigh, J., Peterka, T., Knoll, A., Papka, M., Sumer, A., Jellinek, J., A Simultaneous 2D / 3D Autostereo Workstation (poster), Proceedings of SPIE 2012, San Jose, CA, February 28th, 2012.