Imbalance-Aware Discriminative Clustering for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

May 14th, 2024

Categories: Software, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Data Science, Computer Vision


Liu, M., Zhang, J., Tang, W.


Unsupervised semantic segmentation (USS) aims at partitioning an image into semantically meaningful segments by learning from a collection of unlabeled images. The effectiveness of current approaches is plagued by difficulties in coordinating representation learning and pixel clustering, modeling the varying feature distributions of different classes, handling outliers and noise, and addressing the pixel class imbalance problem. This paper introduces a novel approach, termed Imbalance-Aware Dense Discriminative Clustering (IDDC), for USS, which addresses all these difficulties in a unified framework. Different from existing approaches, which learn USS in two stages (i.e., generating and updating pseudo masks, or refining and clustering embeddings), IDDC learns pixel-wise feature representation and dense discriminative clustering in an end-to-end and self-supervised manner, through a novel objective function that transfers the manifold structure of pixels in the embedding space of a vision Transformer (ViT) to the label space while tolerating the noise in pixel affinities. During inference, the trained model directly outputs the classification probability of each pixel conditioned on the image. In addition, this paper proposes a new regularizer, based on the Weibull function, to handle pixel class imbalance and cluster degeneration in a single shot. Experimental results demonstrate that IDDC significantly outperforms all previous USS methods on three real-world datasets, COCO-Stuff-27, COCO-Stuff-171, and Cityscapes. Extensive ablation studies validate the effectiveness of each design. Our code is available at Our code is available at

Keywords: Unsupervised semantic segmentation · Imbalance-Aware Dense Discriminative Clustering · End-to-end training · Deep clustering

Funding: The COMPaaS DLV project (NSF award CNS-1828265)





Liu, M., Zhang, J., Tang, W., Imbalance-Aware Discriminative Clustering for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation, International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer, May 14th, 2024.