The GeoPad Project

September 1st, 2002 - May 15th, 2003

Categories: Applications, Devices, Education, Software, Tele-Immersion


The GeoPad project is an extension of the collaboration of geoscientist and computer scientist initiated with the GeoWall Consortium. The focus of the GeoPad project is to develop a real-time data gathering system for collaborative field geology.

Unlike traditional geological field experience, the GeoPad project aims to mediate fieldwork with advanced visualization and networking technologies - wireless enabled TabletPCs with attached GPS units, digital cameras, microphone headsets, where data can be instantaneously collected, shared and distributed among each other, various sites and remote “data fusion collaboratories”. These distant “resource centers” provide access to large datastores or visualization resources on demand, providing significant enhancement to geological fieldwork, earth science education and traditional data gathering / analysis methods.