class MwAudioClip : public MwNode


Public Fields

MwSFString description
Textual description of the audio source
MwSFTime duration_changed
MwSFBool isActive
MwSFBool loop
MwSFFloat pitch
MwSFTime startTime
MwSFTime stopTime
MwMFString url

Public Methods

static void audioDisable()
static void audioEnable()
To enable or disable audio
const MbString& getFullURLName()
void initVars()
virtual void notify(MwField *field)
void setFullURLName(const MbString &url)
If url is a relative URL, tell AudioClip the correct URL
void setPathToLocalFile(char *dir, char *file)
If the file is already retrieved on disk

Private Fields

MbBool active
MbString fullURL
full URL name
MbBool kidsAreHere
MbBool kidsRead
MbBool kidsRequested
MbString localAudioFile
MbBool loopVal
AUDIOsample sample
MbString sndDir
MbString sndFile
static AUDIOserver* soundsrv
whether kids have been retrieved
MbTime startTimeVal
MbTime stopTimeVal
static int useSound

Private Methods

void requestChildrenFromURL()
void setAudio()


MwSFString description
Textual description of the audio source

MwSFBool loop

MwSFFloat pitch

MwSFTime startTime

MwSFTime stopTime

MwMFString url

MwSFTime duration_changed

MwSFBool isActive

void initVars()

void setFullURLName(const MbString &url)
If url is a relative URL, tell AudioClip the correct URL

const MbString& getFullURLName()

void setPathToLocalFile(char *dir, char *file)
If the file is already retrieved on disk

static void audioEnable()
To enable or disable audio

static void audioDisable()

virtual void notify(MwField *field)

void requestChildrenFromURL()

MbBool kidsRequested

MbBool kidsAreHere

MbBool kidsRead

static AUDIOserver* soundsrv
whether kids have been retrieved

static int useSound

AUDIOsample sample

void setAudio()

MbString sndFile

MbString sndDir

MbTime startTimeVal

MbTime stopTimeVal

MbBool loopVal

MbBool active

MbString fullURL
full URL name

MbString localAudioFile

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alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling