template <class valueType> class MwConcreteMField : public MwMField


Public Methods

void add1Value(valueType const & newValue)
virtual void copyFrom(MwField const &f)
Copy from another field of unknown type (assumed to be same type)
int find(valueType const & targetValue, MbBool addIfNotFound = FALSE)
appended to the field
void finishEditing()
Indicate that batch edits have finished
valueType const* getValues(int start)
Get pointer into array of values
virtual MbBool isSame(MwField const &f)
Returns TRUE if fields are same type and have same values
int operator !=(MwConcreteMField<valueType> const &f)
valueType const& operator =(valueType const & newValue)
MwConcreteMField <valueType> const& operator =(MwConcreteMField<valueType> const &f)
Copy from another field of same type
int operator ==(MwConcreteMField<valueType> const &f)
Equality/inequality test for fields of same type
valueType const& operator [](int i)
Get indexed value
void set1Value(int index, valueType const & newValue)
Set 1 value at given index
void setValue(valueType const & newValue)
Set field to have one value
void setValues(int start, int num, valueType const *newValues)
Set num values starting at index start from info in newValues
valueType* startEditing()
Get non-const pointer into array of values for batch edits
virtual ~MwConcreteMField()

Protected Fields

valueType* values

Protected Methods

virtual void allocValues(int newNum)
so a value of newNum==0 will delete all values
virtual void copyValue(int to, int from)
Copies value indexed by "from" to value indexed by "to"
virtual void deleteAllValues()
Deletes all current values, resets number of values

Inherited from MwMField:

Public Methods

virtual void deleteValues(int start, int num = -1)
virtual void deleteValues()
static MwType* getClassType()
int getNum()
static void init()
virtual void print(ostream &o)
virtual void print1Value(ostream &o, int index)
void setNum(int n)

Protected Fields

int maxNum
int num

Protected Methods

virtual void makeRoom(int newNum)

Private Fields

static MwType* classType

Private Methods

virtual MbBool read1Value(MwInput *in, int index)
virtual MbBool readValue(MwInput *in)



virtual ~MwConcreteMField()

MwConcreteMField <valueType> const& operator =(MwConcreteMField<valueType> const &f)
Copy from another field of same type

virtual void copyFrom(MwField const &f)
Copy from another field of unknown type (assumed to be same type)

virtual MbBool isSame(MwField const &f)
Returns TRUE if fields are same type and have same values

valueType const& operator [](int i)
Get indexed value

valueType const* getValues(int start)
Get pointer into array of values

int find(valueType const & targetValue, MbBool addIfNotFound = FALSE)
appended to the field.

void setValues(int start, int num, valueType const *newValues)
Set num values starting at index start from info in newValues

void set1Value(int index, valueType const & newValue)
Set 1 value at given index

void setValue(valueType const & newValue)
Set field to have one value

void add1Value(valueType const & newValue)

valueType const& operator =(valueType const & newValue)

int operator ==(MwConcreteMField<valueType> const &f)
Equality/inequality test for fields of same type

int operator !=(MwConcreteMField<valueType> const &f)

valueType* startEditing()
Get non-const pointer into array of values for batch edits

void finishEditing()
Indicate that batch edits have finished

virtual void allocValues(int newNum)
so a value of newNum==0 will delete all values.

virtual void deleteAllValues()
Deletes all current values, resets number of values

virtual void copyValue(int to, int from)
Copies value indexed by "from" to value indexed by "to"

valueType* values

Direct child classes:

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling
contact: doc++@zib.de