MASTERS THESIS Volume Sculpting and implant modeling
GE Medical Systems Summer 2003
Temporal processing Development of a novel image presentation technique highlighting the differences in x-ray images acquired at different times using IDL and C++
Image Registration and Warping Developed Algorithms for Image registration and warping of Xray Images aquired at different times using IDL and C++
Electronic Visualization Lab Spring 2003 till present
Geowall 1    2   

A low cost passive stereo visualization system

Created Visualization of 3D Weather data and protein data for the Alliance all Hands Meeting May 2003.



Visualization  of earthquake data on the Tiled displays (a 3*5 cluster) using Volview - 3d Rendering library

User motion tracking for Tiled display visualization using trackd client and server provided by VRCO Inc.

Created animations of VRML data sets using CAVELib and Open Inventor in the Auto stereographic Varrier Display.

Great Cities Urban Data Visualization Lab Fall 2002 - Spring 2003
Survey A survey for analyzing the best practices and applying to existing conditions of Oakpark, Illinois.
Sketch tools 1   2  Sketch tools were designed in Java using servlets and applets as user interface to take views of public and analyze them.


Workshops and Demonstartions  

Created Visualization of 3D Weather data and protein data for the Alliance all Hands Meeting, at Urbana.- May 2003.

Demonstrated the Geowall at the IEEE Demo night at EVL ,UIC March 2004.

Paris Demonstrated the Paris showing a Cranial Implant application at RSNA, (Radiological Society of North America) conference in Chicago.- Dec 2003.
Geowall Presentation on how to build a Geowall - on the design and construction of a geowall for the Access Grid Union -March 2003.