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Natural Language Processing
pubs (12)
Electronic Visualization Laboratory’s 50th Anniversary Retrospective: Look to the Future, Build on the Past
MOTIV: Visual Exploration of Moral Framing in Social Media
Moving from Composable to Programmable
Composable Infrastructures for an Academic Research Environment: Lessons Learned
Interaction with Multiple Data Visualizations Through Natural Language Commands
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people (6)
Joe Borowicz
Kenan Arica
Kayla Condrella
Abhinav Kumar
Veronica Grosso
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events (11)
Interested in pursuing a PhD in Computer Science in the United States?
Alum Michael E. Papka Joins EVL Faculty
New Computer Design Research and Learning Center Breaks Ground
PhD Dissertation Announcement: Multi-view, multi-modal speech and mid-air gesture interaction for data exploration in large display environments
NSF Grant “CHS: Small: Collaborative Research: Articulate+” Awarded
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research (4)
Articulate+ - A Conversational Interface for Democratizing Visual Analysis
COMPaaS DLV User Community
NIH: R01: SCH: INT: MyPHA: Automatically generating personalized accounts of inpatient hospitalization
MRI - Development of Continuum: A Virtualized Attentive Environment for Amplified Collaboration